She In Business
3 min readMar 23, 2020


The word ‘Healthy’ means different things to different people. It means one thing to a working individual and then something completely different to an ever so occupied homemaker and mother.

Well, regardless of who we are, we should know one thing quite straightforwardly: Living healthy or fit does not require us to comply with some specific set of lifestyle rules or restrictions!

‘Staying Healthy’ does not demand us to follow a strict diet or workout regimen. It clearlyasks us to discoverwhat works best for us and our lifestyle and, thereupon concluding on decisions that quite essentially make us feel active and energized. ‘Staying Healthy’ proposes us to feed ourselves with the most appropriate nutrients.

All in all, ‘Staying Healthy’ means making choices that make us feel strong, confident and fit as a flea!

And Dr. Surabhi Jain, an award-winning dietitian and nutritionist based in Lucknow, India, guides individuals to understand and work upon the aforementioned subject-matter: their HEALTH!

She resolutely believes, backs and educates the certitude: A healthy and proper diet can transform one’s entire lifestyle.

Dr. Surabhi has more than a decade of progressive experience in the industry. The female entrepreneur has qualifications in degrees like MBA, PGDPHN, and M.Sc( Nutrition) and is a published nutrition author as well.

Her earlier Public Health Work with professional bodies, government, and NGO’s like FHI, UNICEF, HLFPPT, GOI, MOHFW, etc. and her exceptional medical background gives her leverage in planning a diet scheme for medical disorders too.

Dr. Surabhi’s consultancy was apprehended by Family Health International 360 (a nonprofit human development organization based in North Carolina) for quality assurance and guidance. A yet another marvellous feather of her cap!

At present, Dr. Surabhi Jain is the founder of the leading consultancy in Nutrition and Lifestyle Management: NutriWell India. She heads the Clinical Department of the company. The company was acknowledged with the award of ‘Excellence in HealthCare’ for its invaluable contribution to the field of Health by WWLC in the year 2016.

Dr. Surabhi is the Chief Nutritionist at Aadavi Health Care as well. With a team of dynamic doctors, the strong-willed woman entrepreneur looks after the Product Development Strategies and Stages at Aadavi Healthcare Pvt. Limited.

Ever since the initiation of Surabhi’s career, she has been providing customized diet plans based on a person’s lifestyle, medical history, health goals, and fitness levels.

Currently, Dr. Surabhi Jain is the ‘Chairperson for Women Entrepreneurship’ with ALL (All India League) and Indian Woman Economic Forum.

She is also a Certified Nordic Diet Consultant in India and her research papers are published in various Journals. The female entrepreneur has been a regular feature on the female centric TV Shows ‘Sangini’ and ‘MeriSaheli’, broadcasted on ETV. She has been recognized for her contribution to health care by CWF and Leading Media Group ‘Hindustan Times’.

Dr. Surabhi Jain was chosen as the representative speaker from India about ‘Economics of Goodness in Health and Wellness’ amongst 6000 (and more) World Renowned Woman Entrepreneurs in the conference organized by WEF on the 27th April, 2018. She had been presented with the award of ‘Exceptional Woman of Excellence’ at the event as well!
She was nominated for ‘Excellence in HealthCare’ by FICCI FLO (Uttar Pradesh Chapter) as well.
Dr.Surabhi Jain was awarded with the prestigious ‘Shining Star 2017’ title from Women in Work and Barclay’s for ‘Most Promising Diet Consultancy’ supported by UNFPA.

Dr.Surabhi Jain has been honoured to be amongst the few women mentors in the prestigious ‘We Can’ Program by Cherie Blair Foundation and US Embassy with DRITI (Women Empowerment).
Thus, on that very account, we can assuredly conclude Dr. Surabhi Jain to be one spectacular, spirited and headstrong woman, who is on a mission to cultivate the value of salubrious routine amongst all of the human kind.

She can be counted as one of the most influential Women Entrepreneurs in India. Her constant efforts towards fabricating a better lifestyle for individuals in the country as well as all around the world are quite remarkable.
She is one inspiring lady, indeed!

She In Business
She In Business

Written by She In Business

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